Hello everyone,
As always *WARNING – There’s gonna likely be links on this page that might come with cookies, or send you to another site.
It’s another day and so, I’m going to drop another affiliate (more like an endorsement I’d say).
So, today I’m gonna be talking about something I only recently (last 2 months) have started using and that’s Rakuten. Rakuten, formerly known at Ebates, is a pretty interesting little app if you do online shopping, and you’re interested in getting cash back from what you are going to buy anyways.
Honestly I very rarely shop online because, well, I’ve had a card defrauded before once in the past, and so I have been very wary of what I do with my money digitally, as I think everyone should be.
So, as always, a word of caution, always be careful who you give your money/information too. Don’t be silly.
With that said, Rakuten (I really wanna keep calling them Ebates) seems to be pretty on the level. I signed up months ago, but never used their service until this past Christmas (2019). I figured what the hell, I want some stuff and I knew what I wanted so I’ll just order it and skip the herds at the mall; So I ordered my parcels.
The orders were eventually filled, and shipped, and arrived (most of them) in about the manner of time they were supposed to so –
Great success! – at least in this regard, I got what I ordered.
*There was 1 item that eluded my mailbox for like 2 weeks past Christmas and I have no idea as to why this may be, but a damn giftcard lol. That’s right I ordered a gift card (I got cash back for it) and for some reason, store un-named *cough chapter-indi cough* 😉 couldn’t get that to me with the other stuff I ordered from them, but whatever, that is one of the risks I knew I would take by ordering gifts online.
Thankfully that wasn’t one of the more integral gifts, or I woulda looked like a real chump on Christmas – here is a hug and some well wishes! – so thankfully all the other packages came in good or great time.
So ya, I ordered stuffs from places, and I got what I ordered. Seems like a simple enough thing to ask. Where this got trickier was with Rakuten after the orders were completed.
Now for whatever reason, they are supposed to track the numbers to see, and ensure you get your cash back from your QUALIFYING PURCHASES, but, however, this did not work for me.
When buying things through Rakuten, you have to go through the Rakuten website (double check to make sure you are on the site you should be, either the .CA, .COM) or the app to use their links in order for this all to work it seems, and for some reason they couldn’t see my finished purchases, so this required me to basically get ahold of them through the Missing Cashback section on their site, and send them all the confirming numbers so that they could see and verify with the stores that I had indeed ordered and received my stuffs.
So, that has been a bit of a problem in my opinion. Ultimately yes, I did end up receiving my cash back from my purchases, but having to do a portion of the job for Rakuten has been somewhat annoying. Thankfully finding the info didn’t take me long and Rakuten responds pretty quickly, as they should.
With said said here’s a screen cap to show you all that I did at least get something out of all of this in the end.
As you guys can see, so far I’ve gotten $8.71 back from my Christmas purchases, and I’ve got another $4.75 coming.
As you can also see from the screen cap, they do have quite a few stores, and these are some that I saved as favourites for myself to find later.
I’ve got Rakuten set up to pay out to my PayPal, which they will do with whatever money you have in your account every few months I believe.
So ya, I think that about sums up my experience with Rakuten so far. It’s been pretty good so far; not quite great, but hopefully they will only get better as a company in time.
Well, I think that is gonna conclude this one peoples.
I hope you’re all doing awesome folks and if you are interested in signing up with Rakuten and getting some money back on some stuff you can click the image below to check them out.
Take care everyone,