Some stuff by me

My Suggestions for Cryptocurrency Wallets

What is up everyone I am back, and today I wanna give you some suggestions for places to park your Cryptocurrencies if you have any, or are thinking about getting into them.

Over the past few years I have come into contact with a few different “wallets” for various coins and I have tried out several.

If you wish to be part of the overall projects than you can always download the “core wallets” that come with some of the bigger coins like Bitcoin and Litecoin, but the problem with these is that they can take huge amount of space on your computer, they will eat up your internet bandwidth as they sync and update, and it’s possible if you mess around with them too much, or too little, you could lose anything and everything you have saved inside of them (like myself, I’ve lost one of my passphrases but maybe well talk about that later).

Anyways, besides using a few of the core wallets I have also used several websites that offer wallets so those are what I am going to be talking about today.

So, whats a wallet? Just like a real one in your pocket, its a place to keep your cryptocurrencies.

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The first one I’m going to talk about is Cryptonator

Cryptonator is a nice wallet, in that I holds the usual coins like Bitcoin and Litecoin, but it also covers and bunch more – 8 to be exact. What I like about Cryptonator is it’s design, it’s ease of use, and the fact it can hold a few different types within in. This is usual if you are planning to mine or accumulate different types of coins. Currently Cryptonator allows deposits of Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Dash, Monero, and TetherUS. Another nice feature is that they also have an app so you can download and check your wallet right from your phone.

Number 2! Freewallet

Freewallet is not the prettiest of sites. It’s design does look like something from the 90’s, but that is fine – it doesn’t have to look nice as long as it does its job. Freewallet is good if you are planning to accumulate MANY different types of coins, tokens. I mean, they cover OVER 400! So not only can you store some crypto here, but you have store TONNES of different kinds here, which again can be handy if you are mining a few different ones. Another nice touch that Freewallet has in the capability to exchange coins within the site. Certain ones you can do without incurring any sort of fee, which is nice. One thing I’m not huge on are the transfer fees though. When sending your coins back out from Freewallet, I feel some of their fees are a little higher than maybe some other wallets might charge you. Fees are normal in almost if not all wallets, so just make sure you have enough to cover them when sending your coins somewhere else. Freewallet also offers an app version, so again, you can download that to your phone.

#3 Coinbase

Coinbase is another good wallet in my opinion. It’s got a really nice design, they also offer an app for your phones, they offer in house exchanges between coin types, in house learning seminars (which could even earn you some coins), and they also cover a few different types of coins. Coinbase will allow you to deposit 40+ types of coins including the obvious big ones like Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum. This wallet has either been my number 1 or 2 most used wallet. Its honestly hard to say as I have had different coins in a few of these in order to keep some of my assets separated, in case something should ever happen, like I lose a password, or maybe the site gets hacked, but so far that has not happened. So ya I would said Freewallet and Coinbase are definitely my two most used wallets.

Number 4 Nicehash

That’s right, Nicehash also has wallets. I used to use the Nicehash software to mine but I haven’t done that in awhile, as it’s hard on your computer, and I am using faucet’s instead these days, but Nicehash can still be used to store some of your crypto’s. When I started with Nicehash these wallets were not around, but they have grown as a company and so now they do! Overall Nicehash is a well designed sight, and again they offer software to mine if you wish. They also offers an exchange and a market tab so you can easily see what some coins are currently trading at. Nicehash covers a few wallets under their site these days – 50+ to be almost exact. Again this is nice because some other sites might not have a wallet for the specific coin you are after, such as say, Ravencoin.

Well anyways, that’s about all I have for today folks. Maybe that info will help some of you out on your crypto journey, or maybe not.

Hope you’re all doing good out there.

Take care everyone,


Title image from: Pixabay

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