Some stuff by me

The Legend Of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Videos

Morning everyone!

I am back again and back at it – doing gaming video’s that is.

I recently snagged a new capture card and gave it a whirl the other day playing on my Switch – a little Breath of the Wild.

If you’ve never played BotW and you have a Switch – or access to one – and you got some spare coin and time then honestly, I really recommend trying your hand at Zelda.

I have only ever played a few (6 I think) of the games within the Zelda universe but they have been, by far, some of my favourite’s – Ocarina of Time will forever be an all time favourite for me, and I think Breath of the Wild is also going to reach those heights for me.

This game is huge and intriguing and difficult, yet tonnes of fun. So far I have put in like 220 hrs into this title alone; taking my sweet ass time because really, there is so much to explore, I feel like I could do so for ages. I have not beaten the game yet because I’m worried that if I do I’ll stop playing it, and likely miss out on some sort of awesomeness. The world the creators have put together here is just so well done that I really enjoy the hell out of it.

Anyways, I threw a couple of new vid’s up on my gaming channel so feel free to go check em out.

The first one is a pretty lengthy video of me working my way to finding Yunobo in the Death Mountain area.

The second one is a bit shorter. After saving Yunobo and heading back into the Goron city, you can talk to the Boss of the Goron’s and you’ll unlock a lost memory of the Goron hero Daruk’s entitled Daruk’s Mettle. Check that one out here.

Hopefully I’ll start uploading more gaming vid’s in the near future cus God knows, I got tonnes of other titles to get rollin on.

Anyways, that’s gonna do it for this post.

Hope you’re all doing good out there.

Take care everyone,


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