Morning peoples!
So, another video dump is currently happening on my personal Youtube Channel.
So what have I got for today. Well…..
First off I have a short video of some Monkeys climbing around in a tree. We had pulled over to take a break and stretch our legs during a long bus ride when we noticed these guys were just behind us. Here’s the vid. Monkeys in a tree in Costa Rica —–>>>>>
The second video was taken just outside our hotel room door. Basically there was just a Giant Grasshopper nearby and it was scaring my wife, and I’m an ass so instead of saving her, I took a video of the situation lol. Here’s the link to the video —–>>>>>
And last but not least I have a video we took from a boat, just off of the Coast of Costa Rica in which you can see both a Momma and baby Humpback Whale. These adult creatures can hold there breath for something like 7 minutes so there is a bit of “nothing” in between their surface breaches but still, it was very cool to see this as close as we did.
Here’s the link to that one —–>>>>>
Skip ahead to the 3:00 minute mark to get to the best part if you want cus honestly, you can’t see them much in the first few minutes.
Anyways everyone, I think this is gonna conclude this post for the day.
Hope you’re all doing awesome and I will check you all out later.