Some stuff by me

Youtube – Personal Vids

What is up ladies and gents, I’m back.

This time I put a few new vid’s on my personal Channel.

The first video is a bit different from my usual stuff.

So, I was hard at work one day (I swear), loading up a trailer with some excavated soil when outta nowhere this weird lineup of vehicles came parading down the road where we were working.

Living in Toronto affords you the chance to see weird stuff like this sometimes, so I took a video cus why not. I heard later on that these vehicles were being used to shoot a commercial somewhere in the area. Check that one out here.

The second vid is just a real quick one of some hermit crabs on the beach in Costa Rica when we visited back in 2015. It’s nothing special but check out how quickly the 1 on the left side disappears into his hole. These suckers can move.

Anyone that is curious about my travels; we took this trip with a company called G Adventures, which is an “Adventure Travel” Agency, meaning the trips are not the kind where you just sit around and drink (though you will get chances to). Instead you are guided by tour leaders that show you the area, the culture, the people the animals etc. As far as I am concerned this is the way to travel. You get to immerse yourself a little bit more in the culture and learn from people first hand that live and work in the areas. Not to mention I get bored easily so an active trip is right up my alley.

Anyways, I hope to get some stuff up on here soon to help you guys find your way to G Adventures, cus I would recommend them, but that’s not ready yet, so enjoy the vid’s from Costa Rica for now.

The third and last upload for the day is another cat video! I know YAY! right!! Lol. So this one is our old cat Darcy playing with a laser pointer in one of our earlier apartments. Please disregard the mess in the background and try not to pay to much attention to my crap guitar playing in the background. I threw that together in .5 seconds just for this video because I cut out the audio for the last clip. The reason I did that was because the sound in the Double Time! section at the end of the video was pretty aweful, so I chopped it right out, but silence wasn’t great either. Hence, crappy background guitar. You’re welcome.

Alright folks I think that’s all for this one.

Hope you’re all doing awesome and I will check you all later.


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