What is up ladies and gent’s I am back.
Back again with more stuff.
So what do we got this time? We got some videos of Tortoises!
So, a few years back my wife and I were lucky enough to take a trip to the Galapagos Islands, and while there we got to visit a couple of Tortoise Sanctuaries. I had no idea at the time but I guess it would make sense that these large, and slow moving animals are mostly endangered.
Obviously humans are a big problem but we also learned that so are the animals that come with us, such as cats, dogs, cattle and herd animals, and even the rats that follow us. It appears there are a few different ways humans have both directly, and indirectly affected these creatures. More than you’d likely think.
I feel pretty privileged to have been able to see some of these animals in their native habitats, even if they were ultimately being kept in breeding sanctuaries. The end goal obviously being be to raise the population and release them into the wild again.
The first vid here is of the younger guys. I cannot remember now what the age brackets were, but they had the enclosures divided up by range. This grouping was the equivalent to adolescents, if memory serves. That sound in the background is not rain; it is the sound of many tiny tortoise chomps. Nom, nom, nom.
This stampeding herd was a little bit older, as I’m sure you can tell by the various football-ish sizes of these ones. I’m sure someday they made it to the food.
And last but not least we have the old farts. A smaller group of much larger and much older Tortoise’s. Check out how big they are.
As always, all the vids are up at my Youtube Channel.
Oh, and I snagged all of these photos and videos using my Canon T6 Rebel, in case anyone was curious. I got the camera specifically for this trip and man was I ever happy that I did. That camera has definitely been put to some use.
Well, that concludes this one peeps.
Hope you’re all doing as good as you can be everyone.
Take care of yourself, and each other,