Hello everyone,
Hope you’re all doing good out there and that things haven’t hit you all too hard with recent events (Covid) and everything that has come with it. Or at least, if you have been affected by these events I hope you’re able to do your very best to be keep on your feet, and keep pushing forwards.
Well, as a distraction what have I got for ya? Random vids.
I threw these up a couple days ago but my site went down for a few so I wasn’t able to drop an update on here about them.
So, over on my personal channel on Youtube I dropped a couple new vids, all of em pretty short and silly.
So, first is this video of our cat Choupette in the window, losing her mind and chittering like a mad cat at a squirrel she saw.
Second one I got is the random Accordion Dudes that were for awhile poppin up on the TTC (Subway) here in Toronto. They got their claim to fame from playing Despacito which is exactly what happened here.
Honestly they were pretty good and I like their version of the song WAY more than any other (who am I kidding I really hate em).
And that brings us to our concluding video for this update which was, dun dun nun nah! – silly raccoon on the roof.
Ya that’s all I got lol. You’re welcome! Here ya go —–>>>>> Roof Raccoon
Ya so like I said, a bunch of randomness, but distractions can be nice.
Again I hope you’re all doing as good as possible out there ladies and gents.
Try and keep your chin’s up and be on the look out for silver linings.
This too shall pass.
Take care everyone.