Some stuff by me

Youtube Videos – Cape town and South African Safari

Good morning ladies and gents,

Hope you’re all doing good out there. Today I have a couple of new videos to post on my personal YouTube channel.

Just about 2 years ago now my wife and I were lucky enough to get to take a trip to South Africa. While there we got to visit Cape Town and Johannesburg, tour some of the country side, and spent quite a bit of time on various Safari’s on private reserves and inside of Kruger National Park.

This was honestly one of the coolest experiences of my life and I will be forever grateful that I was lucky enough to get to take such a trip. We were also fortunate enough to get to see all of “The Big 5” as they call them – which is to say we were able to Elephants, Rhinos, Lions, Cape Buffalo and yes, even the very elusive Leopard. Like I said, we were very lucky. These weren’t all the animals that we saw – we saw tonnes – including some of the Ugly 5, and we even came across the Common Duiker, twice!

Like I said – we were very lucky.

So today I am upload a few videos to my channel, unfortunately these video’s are:

A) Not the greatest quality, as they were taken with my phone in most cases and
B) unfortunately not videos of any of the animals that I listed about, although I do have some clips of some elephants that I’ll hopefully get uploaded soon.

So instead what I have today is a very windy video of my wife, one of our friends and myself on the beautiful shore of the West Side of Capetown. In the video you can see Table Mountain, and a quick shot of Lion’s Head behind us. When the wind really picked up it was almost like getting hit by a sand blaster. Check out that video here.

Now the second video is very short. We were on Safari and had stopped to have lunch, or dinner, I can’t recall which. Anyways when we stopped I took a few steps away from our vehicle and found a big ol’ Millipede strolling down the path. Honestly I was just amazed at how big the damn thing was so I quickly snagged some photos and a very short video. At the end of the video I placed a few pictures to give you a sense of how big this thing was compared to my hand, and a can of beer. After doing some reading I found out the African Millipede is the largest known version of Millipede, and apparently can have up to approximately 256 legs! Check out that video below.

And last but not least we have a grainy video of some Hippo’s chillin in the water. I must took this on with my phone cus the quality isn’t that great. We were a bit of a distance away so I have zoomed in the video to try and give everyone a closer look. Hippo’s are one of, if not the most dangerous animal in Africa arguably, so it’s definitely best to give them a lot of room. Check out that one here.

If anyone is ever interested in checking out South Africa at some point I gotta recommend Kurt Safari Co. – all their guides were great, including Rasta Man if he is still there. You could really tell these guys enjoyed what they did and really cared about the animals in general.

If I can remember any of the other guides or tour groups then I may do another shout out for them later on, as honestly they were all pro, and took great care of us, and definitely deserve the recognition.

And well, that’s gonna do it for today everyone.

Take care peeps,


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