Some stuff by me

Review: Donner Rechargeable Tuner

What up peeps!

As always:

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So here we go, with another product review.

This time we’ll be checking out the Donner Rechargeable Clip on Tuner.

So, how did I end up with this thing? Well, after my Fender Tuner kept eating battery after battery with only 1 real use out of them I decided “F this noise I’m getting a rechargeable tuner!” And thus begins our hero’s journey to the realm of Amazon.

Ya so I got real sick of buying all those expensive coin batteries that look like tiny shiny hockey pucks, and went searching for a rechargeable one.

Well, at the time at least, options were pretty limited, if there were even any rechargeable options. Pretty sure I only ever found like 2 or 3 rechargeable versions at the time, and well, the one I ended up landing upon was the Donner.

This thing looked big and bright and was rechargeable, which was what I wanted, and it wasn’t all that expensive at $19.99.

I’m always skeptical of ordering things online but I figured “$20 and I never have to buy any batteries ever again. Worst case scenario, it sucks and I send it back. Worth the risk.”

BOOM!, it’s ordered, on its way, and its here. YAY!

First off the screen is nice and big – like 3 times larger than the screen on my old Fender FT-004, and it’s BRIGHT, which is likely my favourite feature of the tuner overall.

It has many different settings and functions to play with, which I’m not even going to try and explain as I’m sure I’ll just look like an ass trying, but this thing can be used for guitars (acoustic and electric), bass, ukulele (gotta test this on mine still), banjo, violin, mandolin, and apparently even wind instruments? Uh? OK!

Sweet, look at all that awesome stuff this thing can do. More than I needed and all for $20. I was super happy with this purchase till January of this year (2020), when one day I went to tune one of my Acoustic Fenders (DG8S NAT), and the f*cking clip snapped right in my damn hand!


Not sure if the spring simply put to much pressure on that area of the clip, or if the plastic is just to weak there, or maybe a combination of both, but there’s the end result of it.

So, what do I think now?

Well I haven’t yet but I’m going to try to repair it. Likely with some super glue and/or something else to brace the back with so it (hopefully) doesn’t happen again. After that I’ll have to hope and test to see whether what I do to fix it negatively affects how well it picks up a tune. We’ll have to wait and see, but I’ll let ya’s know how that works out later.

So ya, overall I think at first I had given this thing a 4 or 5 outta 5 stars cus I did really like it but now I had to drop that to a 2 star. I mean, I know it was only $20 bucks but still, I woulda liked it to last me a bit longer than like a year.

So, ya, I guess I can’t really recommend this product unless your willing to take the chance of losing out on $20. If you are willing to take the risk then, again, I did really like this tuner while it was whole, but I must also warn you – I am not the only person who this has happened to unfortunately. If you read some of the other reviews and comments you’ll hear similar stories from other customers so again, be aware.

Anyways folks, here’s a link to the Amazon Review I left if anyone cares to see it on there, and as always – hope your doing good everybody.


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