Some stuff by me

Game Review – Rage 2: Identity Crisis in the Wastes

What’s up everyone and welcome to a game review for Rage 2!

For whatever reason, I am finally getting around to writing this review. Why? Because I found some free time and because I felt like it.

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Rage 2 was brought to us by ID Software and Avalanche Studios and sees the player taking control of a character called Walker, an ARK survivor, within the post apocalyptic remains of the world. This game is the successor to 2010’s Rage, but this time around the creators have decided to take a turn away from a darker take and tone on a post apocalyptic world and go with a more fanciful and bright take upon a regrowing world.

I was genuinely pumped for Rage 2 when I first heard about the sequel coming out. The first Rage was an all time gem in my opinion. I really enjoyed the world created in the original. Everything was dark and gritty and felt tense even in the quiet moments. In the first Rage, it felt like you were really interacting with the people and the world around you, where as in the second it felt more like going through the motions. I never felt that same sort of environmental dread that I did in the first iteration.

Crushin Goons – What goes up…

This time around in Rage 2, I honestly didn’t care for what they did with the world and it’s characters. Sure there was a story, but it ultimately boiled down to the same ol “take over/change the world in my image” type of motive. Again, at first I was genuinely happy to hear about Rage 2, but slowly as I played, my hopes dwindled.

Instead of the gritty and savage characters and environment that we got to experience in the first game, what we go this round was a tonne of bright colours and big effects. New powers to play with which were cool, but ultimately changed the protagonist too much into a super hero for me to enjoy. Let alone that your characters name was Walker, and you are playing as what is know as a modern day “Ranger”. A neat nod but a bit too on the nose for my taste. Anyways, I’m nit picking.

Overall I can say I played the hell outta Rage 2, even going so far as to Platinum it on my PlayStation. Ultimately it wasn’t too bad to chase this down, as most of the trophies were either story related or simply kill x while/during y sort of scenario. So with a bit of foresight and grinding the trophies weren’t to bad to gather. If you want, check out some of my Rage 2 vids on my Youtube here.

The game itself though felt like a grind. From the now bright and vibrant world, to your awesome hero like powers and the giant map to explore, Rage 2 seemed geared to be something else, and hopefully better, but it fell short. The game changed too much and I didn’t feel it was for the better. I enjoyed all the awesome guns and gadgets, that helped to make the original the special something that it is, but when the environment was changed so drastically, and the bosses basically recycled, the game felt repetitive and hollow. I wanted that grit back.

Rage 2 decided to do something different, and unfortunately for me the end result felt too much like Mad Max(2015) meets DOOM(2016). The addition of the BFG 9000 was a cool homage to DOOM within the game, but kind of also added to how far the game had gone from it’s roots. Rage 2 didn’t feel so much of a Rage game anymore, and now felt like a Post Apocalyptic DOOM shooter, mixed with super powers.

Again, I played the hell outta Rage 2, and I would still recommend it if your looking for a smash em up kinda shooter. You don’t need to have played the first game to get what’s happening here, it’s all explained pretty quickly in the sequel.

At the end of the day I’d say Rage 2 is worth grabbin on sale if you are looking for a mindless explosion filled romp, but otherwise, I can’t say it really offers anything to keep you there, or ever bring you back.

With that said, if you wanna go around smashing the hell outta baddies like its your job (that is actually your job in the game) then you might as well give it a whirl and see what you think. At the end of the day, I’ll give Rage 2 a 6/10. The game looks great and plays pretty well with lots of fun guns and gadgets to kill with, but was also missing too much of it original charm, and also compelling story line for me to hold it up too high.

If you wanna give Rage 2 a try then check it out on Green Man Gaming here or you can grab the Deluxe Edition.

Anyways folks, that’s all I’ve got to say on this today.

Hope you’re all doing awesome out there.

Take care,


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