Some stuff by me

What’s up People’s?

Hey everyone, it is I, the dude that apparently runs this joint, and I’m back again.

It has been faaaaaaaar too long since my last update to this place and that is entirely my fault. The world went in weird and new directions this year for everyone, but that’s no excuse for not taking some time to keep this up.

Anyways, there has been a ton going on this year, both globally and personally. Globally we all know what I’m talking about, The Pandemic, or as I have been calling it “The Plague Year”, and all the challenges that have arisen from it. I sincerely hope you and yours are all doing good out there in the world, wherever you are.

On the personal side of things life took a huge change for my family and I – We made a huge move to be back closer to our original hometowns, and therefore closer to our families. With that move came the massive undertaking of buying our first house, a first car, getting new jobs, living separate for a few months during the transition, the move itself, getting another car and lastly, leaving Toronto behind us. We always knew we wanted to move back home someday, we just never imagined the opportunity would come about at the very beginning of a global pandemic. I’m not sure if anyone could have seen that coming.

Thankfully, we have been incredibly lucky throughout all of this, honestly.

I need to give a shout out to so many people for all their efforts in helping us getting here – it was a huge group effort and everyone had important parts in it, so thank you all again. We sincerely appreciate all of you for every little thing. Thank you.

As for the future of this site, I’m hoping to get back in the swing of doing more regular updates again. I’m afraid my uploads of exotic photo’s from other countries may cease for awhile since world travels is a little off at the moment, but, now that I’m further North and closer to denser wooded areas I’m hoping I’ll start getting some good nature shots to share.

With that said, I’ve decided to upload some random flower photos today, all of which (I’m pretty sure) were taken last year in T.O. Most while I was at work. Enjoy peeps. And take of yourselves, and each other.

Photo’s at:

Take care everyone,


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