Some stuff by me

Pictorem – Finally Selling Prints of Photograpy, ETC

What is up ladies and gents and other,

Hope you’re all doing great out there. As always it seems these days things are going rough for the most of us, but all we can do is keep our chins up and keep pushing forwards. Personally I find Heavy Metal music really helps me to find that drive to keep pushing, so whatever your motivation comes from, keep it up and keep at it. All we can do is keep trying right? You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take so you gotta try.

Anyways, with that said, I too am also taking shots (not literally) and making moves and pushing things.

So what do we got’s today? Well, I started a profile on Pictorem

Wat da fack is Pictorem I hear many of ya’s asking? Well, it’s a place where you can buy various decorations and things for around your house, such as Canvas Printouts, Custom Cards, Metal and Acrylic Printouts and a few other things like that.

I’ve been making some art in the background for a few months now and honestly I think some of its pretty awesome. Like, so awesome that I want it on my walls. So I had to finally figure out how to set this all up for just that reason alone. It’s true what they say “necessity is the mother of all invention”.

So anyways, what the hell did I create and why should you care. Well I can answer the first question; the second one, not so much.

So, what we’ve got here is my profile on Pictorem, and inside of that link you’ll find a couple of things I’ve created using photo’s I took along with some help from an AI program, which I will hopefully write about soon as well, because it in itself is also a really cool program that I would definitely recommend, but we’ll get to that another time.

As you guys can see I’ve taken a few different photo’s and ran them through a few different AI stylings and voila! amazing art!

Honestly, I really like all of them, and I cannot decide which one I want to order to get placed on my wall, I can’t seem to choose which I feel is the best; they are all just so good looking in their own rights.

Maybe at some point I’ll figure out how to get their API embedded into my site but for now I’m just gonna link to their website and to my gallery for you all, and hopefully you’ll enjoy them as much as I do.

Anyways, check them out if you feel inclined and leave a comment about them if you’d like and again, I hope you are all doing great out there everyone, I really do.

Take care of each other out there peoples,


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